Friday, August 10, 2007

Four Meme

I got tagged with this four meme so here goes.

Four jobs I've had:
1. Big sister (oldest one too)
2. Babysitter
3. Cub Scout Volunteer
4. Mom helper (that does count!)

Four movies I can watch over and over:
1. The Princess Bride
2. Narnia
3. The Incredibles
4. Kiki's Delivery Service

Three places I've lived: (Sorry, I don't have four)
1. Provo, Utah
2. Meredith Gardens
3. Huntington Beach

Four favorite T.V. shows:
1. Spongebob Squarepants
2. Arthur
3. Fetch!
4. The Office

Four places I've been:
1. Provo
2. Springville
3. St. George
4. Florida

Four favorite foods:
1. Italian chicken
2. Pineapple chicken salad
3. Hamburgers
4. Pepperoni pizza

Four websites I visit often:
1. Miniclip
2. Neopets
3. Blogger
4. Google

Four places I'd like to go:
1. London
2. Korea
3. New York City
4. Hawaii

Well there you go. Thanks a lot to going barefoot!


Tylershark said...

I love it Bookworm! I like many of the same movies, foods, and desired vacation spots you do. I am so glad to see you in the blogosphere.

Lauren Niederhauser said...

Yay another cousin to blog with! haha I remember Kiki's delivery service... nice choice!

Kristen said...

There is nothing better than a bright pink, bookworm blog. Well done!

Michelle S. said...

Cool blog Bookworm! I enjoyed reading about some of your favorite things.

riley s. said...

Sweet blog. Hope you enjoy being in the blogging community.

bookworm said...

Tyler- Thanks for dropping by!

Lauren- We use to have a movie that showed a commercial for Kiki and we always wanted to see it. Our neighbor just got it a while ago and the other kids LOVE it. They watch it all the time.

Kcn- I love PINK! Thanks.

Michelle- Thanks a bunch.

Riley- I bet I will. Thanks for reading.

Wendy said...

Cool blog, I'm so glad you have one. I'm jealous about the pink though, Abram wouldn't let us have pink on ours! I think you should write about what you did this summer, I would love to hear about it.

bookworm said...

Thanks Wendy! I would write about what I did this summer if I had time. Maybe I can right now. Thanks for visiting.